  • 寂静的召唤

  • 主演:Joe  Simpson  
  • 状态:
  • 导演:Louise  Osmond  
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 简介:

      Based on the bestselling book of the same name, The Beckoning Silence follows 零度战姬第二季无修版mountain climber Joe Simpson as he takes on one of toughest challenges of his career. Fresh from his horrific ordeal in the Peruvian Andes--as recounted in the Oscar-winning documentary "Touching The Void"--Simpson attempts to ascend the treacherous North Face of the Eiger, a mountain that has claimed the lives of more than悟空影院神马影院 60 people. Faced with growing anxiety and doubt, Simpson pushes onward and upward in his unyielding quest to traverse some of the world's most inhospitable terrain. The Beckon事后清晨 多吃肉ing Silence is a powerful testament to the endurance of the human spirit in extreme conditions.





视频更新时间:2024-05-20 12:45




影片导演:Louise  Osmond  

影片演员:Joe  Simpson  


剧情介绍:Louise  Osmond  导演执导的《寂静的召唤》,该影片在2007英国发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, ,由Joe  Simpson  等主演的一部不错的英语的纪录片。

  Based on the bestselling book of the same name, The Beckoning Silence follows 零度战姬第二季无修版mountain climber Joe Simpson as he takes on one of toughest challenges of his career. Fresh from his horrific ordeal in the Peruvian Andes--as recounted in the Oscar-winning documentary "Touching The Void"--Simpson attempts to ascend the treacherous North Face of the Eiger, a mountain that has claimed the lives of more than悟空影院神马影院 60 people. Faced with growing anxiety and doubt, Simpson pushes onward and upward in his unyielding quest to traverse some of the world's most inhospitable terrain. The Beckon事后清晨 多吃肉ing Silence is a powerful testament to the endurance of the human spirit in extreme conditions.


页面内容:爱美剧为您提供《寂静的召唤》免费在线观看地址、经典台词、演员/主演列表、豆瓣评分、全集/分集剧情介绍、海报图片、上映更新时间、影片播放量、 以及精彩的观后评论等内容。

