  • 1080
  • 艳舞女郎2:竹篙天堂

  • 主演:Rena Riffel  格伦·普拉默  Greg Travis  杜威·韦伯  彼特·斯迪克斯  谢莉·米歇尔  Ford Austin  Paula Labaredas  霍伊特·理查德斯  布兰卡·布兰科  Ryan Grassmeyer  Marc Wasserman  布莱恩·诺兰  艾丽莎·道林  迪伦沃克斯  
  • 状态:HD中字版
  • 导演:Rena  Riffel  
  • 类型:喜剧片
  • 简介:  Las Vegas stripper, Penny Slot (Rena Riffel), sets out on an adventure to become the star dancer on a dance television show. With stars in her eyes, she tries to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but instead finds danger in a town more wicked than Sin City. Romance then leads her down a path towards her dream ofjapanese50 momentum成熟 stardom, fame, and fortune. But danger lurks at every twist and turn while Penny Slot becomes lured by a dangerous love triangle full of temptation and seduction. Penny's longtime fiancé/boyfriend, James "Jimmy" Smith ('Glenn Plummer') warns her that she needs formal technique training if she wants to be taken seriously as a real dancer, so Penny heeds his advice and sets out to take ballet classes and practices her pique turns. But, she must pay the price. And there is a price to pay for success, sacrifices to be made at every imaginable level, and it all comes down to... How bad do you want it?
      —Film Company





视频更新时间:2024-05-20 22:27




影片导演:Rena  Riffel  

影片演员:Rena Riffel  格伦·普拉默  Greg Travis  杜威·韦伯  彼特·斯迪克斯  谢莉·米歇尔  Ford Austin  Paula Labaredas  霍伊特·理查德斯  布兰卡·布兰科  Ryan Grassmeyer  Marc Wasserman  布莱恩·诺兰  艾丽莎·道林  迪伦沃克斯  


剧情介绍:Rena  Riffel  导演执导的《艳舞女郎2:竹篙天堂》,该影片在2011美国发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, HD中字版,由Rena Riffel  格伦·普拉默  Greg Travis  杜威·韦伯  彼特·斯迪克斯  谢莉·米歇尔  Ford Austin  Paula Labaredas  霍伊特·理查德斯  布兰卡·布兰科  Ryan Grassmeyer  Marc Wasserman  布莱恩·诺兰  艾丽莎·道林  迪伦沃克斯  等主演的一部不错的英语的喜剧片。

  Las Vegas stripper, Penny Slot (Rena Riffel), sets out on an adventure to become the star dancer on a dance television show. With stars in her eyes, she tries to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but instead finds danger in a town more wicked than Sin City. Romance then leads her down a path towards her dream ofjapanese50 momentum成熟 stardom, fame, and fortune. But danger lurks at every twist and turn while Penny Slot becomes lured by a dangerous love triangle full of temptation and seduction. Penny's longtime fiancé/boyfriend, James "Jimmy" Smith ('Glenn Plummer') warns her that she needs formal technique training if she wants to be taken seriously as a real dancer, so Penny heeds his advice and sets out to take ballet classes and practices her pique turns. But, she must pay the price. And there is a price to pay for success, sacrifices to be made at every imaginable level, and it all comes down to... How bad do you want it?
  —Film Company


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